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clearance -
The distance or angle by which one objector surface clears another.
climb milling -
A method of milling in which the work table moves in the same direction as the direction of rotation of the milling center.
Sometimes called down cutting or down milling.
cold-rolled steel -
Steel that has been rolled to accurate size and smooth finish when made. In contrast, hot-rolled steel may have a rough, pitted
surface and slag inclusion.
collet -
A precision work holding chuck which centers finished round stock automatically when tightened. Specialized collets are
also a-, available in shapes for other than round stock.
compound (rest) -
The part of a lathe set on the carriage that carries the tool post and holder. It is designed to swing in any direction and to
provide feed for turning short angles or tapers.
coolant -
A common term given to the numerous cutting fluids or compounds used with cutting tools to increase the tool life and to
improve surface finish on the material.
counterbore -
To enlarge the top part of a hole to a specific size, as for the head of a socket-head or cap screw. Also, the tool that is used.
countersink -
To enlarge the top part of a hole at an angle for a flat-head screw. Also, the tool that is used.
cross feed -
The feed that operates across the axis of the workpiece or at right angles to the main or principal feed on a machine.
cutting fluid -
A liquid used to cool and lubricate the cutting to improve the work surface finish.
cutting speed -
The surface speed of the workpiece in a lathe or a rotating cutter, commonly expressed in feet per minute (FPM) and
converted to revolutions per minute (RPM) for proper setting on the machine.
cutting tool -
A hardened piece of metal (tool steel) that is machined and ground so that it has the shape and cutting edges appropriate for
the operation for which it is to be used.
dead center -
See center, dead.